Access all of your letter/email content, and text content in one place!
Email Signature for Inside Team Member
If you own your domain, you can follow the steps below to verify the domain for email sending in Wise Agent. This verification process not only ensures the authenticity of your emails but also presents a more professional image to your recipients.
Explore the following links to various domain providers, each accompanied by step-by-step instructions on how to access and update your DNS records tailored to your specific domain provider.
Your Wise Agent account is filled with great marketing features to assist you with staying connected to your past, present, and future clients. The Wise Agent Email Feature will allow you to send bulk or single emails to your database.
Sending E-mails out of Wise Agent
When leads enter your Wise Agent account from an external source, they are automatically opted in if you have set up an automated "Lead Rule" to email them upon addition to your contacts!
Customize and share your checklist reports.
Send an email to the client and important contacts attached to a transaction checklist.
Email verification is a crucial step to ensure the smooth and secure use of your email address within Wise Agent. It confirms your ownership of the email and allows you to send emails through Wise Agent with confidence.
In this article we will cover what "Sender's Email" means in Wise Agent and how to verify your Sender's Email address.
Email marketing is crucial in today's digital world, but success hinges on maintaining a positive email reputation. This reputation, scored by service providers, determines inbox placement.
Wise Agent’s Email feature leverages the Amazon AWS platform to send over 1 million emails each month allowing our members to market to their contacts in bulk, through marketing campaigns, and on a one-off basis. To ensure our members are able to continue to utilize this feature we adhere to a set of thresholds as dictated by Amazon AWS and the CAN-SPAM act as well as employ a comprehensive review process for any member found to be in violation of our Wise Agent Email Compliance Policy.
Our support plays an important role in why so many agents choose to stay with Wise Agent for years (some for well over a decade!). Wise Agent members have access to knowledgeable, attentive technical support to guide them through anything from importing their contacts to sending emails. On top of our unbeatable customer service, we offer unlimited training sessions, complimentary onboarding, and free specialized training sessions for teams.