The CAN-SPAM Act is a law that sets the rules for commercial email, establishes requirements for commercial messages, gives recipients the right to have you stop emailing them, and spells our touch penalties for violations. The FTC enforce the CAN-SPAM Act and the accompanying CAN-SPAM Rule.


The Wise Agent dashboard allows members to send email communication to contacts through bulk email, automated marketing, and one-off email messages through Amazon's AWS Email Platform. We have outlined our Wise Agent Email Compliance Policy below, which dictates the thresholds our members must adhere to when sending email communication. Violations of this policy will result in temporary restrictions in sending bulk email and automated marketing emails. Continued violations will result in the member being placed In Review, a comprehensive review process designed to identify potential issues with email content, deliverability issues, or complaints received from email recipients. 

Compliance Thresholds & Review Process

Below you will find information about our compliance thresholds, which include bounce rates, and complaint rates. These thresholds were designed to ensure that each member maintains a healthy deliverability rate and sender reputation when sending email communication from the Wise Agent dashboard. 

If these thresholds are not met you will be placed in review, a process designed to assist you in identifying negative sender behavior and return your email account to a good standing. Failure to improve your email behavior may result in the loss of access to the using the Wise Agent email feature.

Compliance Thresholds

Our compliance policy focuses on minimizing email bounces and complaints to ensure that Wise Agent members meet all guidelines set forth by our provider Amazon AWS and the CAN-SPAM act. Below you will find specific thresholds our system reviews to ensure that each Wise Agent member is adhering to our policy. 

  • Bounce Rates & Complaint Rates:
    • BouncesA bounce occurs when an email cannot be delivered to the intended recipient. There are two types of bounces: hard bounces and soft bounces. A hard bounce occurs when the email cannot be delivered because of a persistent issue, such as sending an email to an address that does not exist. Soft bounces occur when a temporary issue prevents delivery, such as an inbox being full or the receiving server being unavailable. To remain within our thresholds you may not exceed the following parameters: 
      • A daily bounce-rate threshold of 10% or more applies and will be dependent on the overall number of emails sent per day.
        • EXAMPLE: If your daily email total is 1000 emails and you receive 100 or more bounces you will be restricted for 24 hours and receive a Violation.
    • Complaints A complaint occurs when the recipient of your email clicks the "Mark as Spam" (or equivalent) button in their web based email client. If you accumulate a large number of these complaints, the ISP assumes that you are sending spam, which has a negative impact on your future deliverability and reputation. To remain within our thresholds you may not exceed the following parameters:
      • A daily complaint-rate threshold of 0.2% or more and > 2 Complaint emails applies and will be dependent on the overall number of emails sent per day.
        • EXAMPLE: If your daily email total is 1000 emails and you receive 2 emails marked as spam you will be restricted for 24 hours and receive a Violation.
    • Exceeding either of these thresholds will result in a restriction on your ability to send emails for the day and triggers a "Violation" that will be documented in your account. You will be restricted from sending bulk email messages, which includes marketing emails scheduled to be sent as part of Drip Campaigns. Attempts to send drip campaign emails will result in a notification being displayed in your Wise Agent account letting you know that SMS messages cannot be sent until the suspension has been lifted and a note will be documented within the contact to indicate that a message was not delivered. One-off emails will be sent as normal. 

In Review Status and Process: 

Any combination of 3 compliance violations within a 7-day rolling period will result in your Wise Agent Email functionality being temporarily restricted and placed In Review. To regain full access to utilize the Wise Agent Email feature members will be contacted by a member of our Compliance team to discuss their email practices and status, which includes:

  • Restrictions: Being placed in review temporary limits the ability to send bulk emails (any email set to send to more than one recipient at a time) and marketing emails. This means any email that is scheduled to send as part of a Drip Campaign, or Marketing Campaign will not be sent, nor will bulk emails be sent. However, one-off emails including emails sent through Lead Rules or individual messages sent to a single recipient will be sent as normal. 

    PLEASE NOTE: Drip campaign/marketing messages that are skipped as a result of a temporary violation restriction or restriction due to an account being In Review will need to be manually sent out once restrictions have been lifted. 

  • Assessment: A thorough review of the accounts email messaging practices, volume, and content will be performed to ensure that you are meeting the standards of email best practices. You will be contacted by Wise Agent's compliance team to review the content and frequency of your messages, make necessary corrections, and to realign you with our email compliance policy and guidelines. 

  • Resolution and Monitoring: Depending on the review outcome, restrictions may be lifted as compliance is achieved, with ongoing monitoring to prevent future exceedances. If your account has been placed in review multiple times you may lose access to email functionality in Wise Agent.

Why Compliance Matters? 

Adhering to these compliance measures not only aligns with regulatory requirements within the industry but also benefits you by enhancing the trustworthiness and effectiveness of your messaging campaigns to your clients. Your email practices determine your overall deliverability and reputation with email providers such as GMAIL, YAHOO, OUTLOOK, etc. Regularly receiving complaints and bounces can result in your messages being filtered and reduce your reach to your clients. In addition, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has the authority to assess penalties for any business or entity that violates CAN-SPAM guidelines. Proactively monitoring your email output helps to ensure that you remain compliant and in good standing with recipient carriers. 

Need More Information?

For further details on our compliance measures or assistance with your messaging strategies, please visit our updated Terms of Service. 

Our support team is always ready to help you navigate our communication policies and make the most of your email efforts. You can contact us through our online form or email us at help@wiseagent.com