Navigating To Drip Campaigns

From the sidebar, select Marketing➜ Drip Campaigns.


Event Calendar Overview

This section shows an upcoming, 3-day view of scheduled events. You will find this section directly beneath your created campaigns!



This section provides a preview of upcoming and recently sent emails and texts scheduled for auto-send. You will find this section directly beneath the event calendar!



By clicking on this tab, you can modify your settings to receive a copy of the emails sent with AutoSend, emails sent manually, and an option to receive an email notification when there is an error performing auto drip marketing email events. If modifications are made, ensure you click Save before proceeding to another page.


Calendar View

By clicking on the Calendar View tab at the top of your Marketing Program dashboard, you to see all marketing events scheduled for the previous, current, and future month(s). These events are also visible on your homepage calendar.