How to set up the AI Bot on your Wise Agent account:

  1. From the sidebar, select "Integrations", then "Settings".
  2. Once on the Integration Settings page, locate the "AI Bot" on the left-hand side and select it.
  3. Once selected, click on the green "Activate" button.
  4. Once selected, input a name for your AI Assistant, then click "Activate" on the button right of the pop-up window.
  5. Once Activated, re-open the section and purchase credits to get started! You can purchase as few as 10 conversations for $15 or $1.50 per conversation. After that, you will be able to start the conversation from the Contact List, Contact Summary, and Lead Rules.

 Note: Wise Texting must be set up prior to setting up your AI Integration. 

Setting up AI Bot in Lead Management:

You can turn on the AI Bot to automatically convert new leads through our automated Lead Rules feature. This means that as soon as a lead comes into your Wise Agent account from a specific lead source, your AI Bot will instantly start a conversation.

For steps on setting up a "Lead Rule", click HERE.

Activating the AI Bot for multiple contacts on the Contact List page:

You can start an AI Bot conversation with multiple contacts through the Contact List page. Keep in mind you will need to have AI Bot credits in order to start a conversation with a contact.

1. From the Sidebar menu, Click on "Contacts", then "Contacts List"

2. Once on your contact list, select the contacts you'd like to transfer to the AI Bot by checking the box to the left of each contact name or choosing "select all" above the first contact. (Please note, you can only do one page at a time)

3. Once selected, using the "Actions" drop-down menu at the top of the page, select "Add to AI Bot”.

4. Once completed, on your client's Contact Summary Page, the AI Bot icon should now be green on the status bar, showing that it is active. If it is showing a red icon, this - means that it’s muted/paused. Lastly, the Grey icon means that the AI Bot is inactive.