In most of the reports, you can select the range in which you are wanting to reports to populate by selecting the date range and clicking "Get Report"


Email Monthly Delivery Report - This report will show if an email has been delivered, or undelivered and if it has been opened or not.  This report is very helpful when wanting to see if a contact is viewing your emails

You can filter by email address and the subject of the email 


Blacklist Monthly Report - This report will show any emails that have invalid email addresses and if the contact has unsubscribed or reported the email as spam


Text Messages Sent Report - This report shows the number from the message that was sent, the contact's first and last name, the message (which you can filter by word) as well as if the message was delivered and the date the message was sent. You can also select to only see replies.


Call List Totals Report - This report shows by inside team member how many calls have been completed, as well as how many calls are past due, are future calls and how many calls are scheduled


Planner Events by Team Member Report - This report shows how many planner events by team member have been scheduled and completed


Planner Events by Contact Report - This report shows how many planner events have been scheduled for a contact in your Wise Agent account.



Task List Totals Report - This report shows tasks by team member and how many each team member has from past tasks, future tasks, ASAP tasks, tasks due today, as well as how many tasks have been completed.


Marketing Campaign Totals Report - This report shows the name of the campaign, the number of events in that campaign, how many current active contacts are in the campaign, and how many contacts have completed the campaign.


Marketing Campaign by Contact Report - This report shows the name of the contact, which campaign they are currently in, how many events they have completed and how many events are remaining in the campaign.


Team Leads by Rank - This report inside team members contact and their rank.


Lead Count by Source Report - This report shows the source of the lead, the totals of each lead by source, and if these leads were marked good, bad, closed and unassigned.


Lead Status by Team Member Report - This report shows by team member whether a lead was good, bad, closed, and unassigned.


Lead Count by Status Report - This report the total leads by status for each team member.


Team Leads by Source and Status Report - This report shows the leads name, which inside team member the leads is assigned to, as well as the source and statues of each lead.


Transaction Status by Source Report - This report shows the checklist source and whether the transaction is active or completed.