This integration allows members to access their Wise Agent database from the Productive. App.

How to set up Productive. app for IOS devices:

  1. Go to and request access to their application download link.
  2. The download link will take you to the app store to download TestFlight, once downloaded you should see Productive in the TestFlight app. If not go back and click the link provided by Productive.
  3. You will then be prompted to sign up or log in to your account.
  4. Enter your phone number and enter the verification code sent to your phone number.
  5. Enable Permissions to use the app (Enable Contacts and Enable Notifications) then click continue.
  6. Tap setup and initiate the activation call with your carrier click dismiss and then continue to go to the Caller Identification setup.
  7. Caller Identification requires two settings to be changed. Open Settings and select Phone (It will be next to Messages and Facetime in the settings).
  8. Turn on Silence Unknown Callers then go back to Phone and tap on Call Blocking and Identification, from there you will see Turn on Productive Call Assist and you will enable that. Navigate back to the Productive app and Verify Setup. Click Continue.
  9. Tap the Open Settings button and set the Banner Style to Persistent and set Show Previews to Always.
  10. Navigate back to the Productive app press continue and you are all set!


Link to video for set up: