1. From the sidebar menu of your Wise Agent page, select "Contacts" then "Contact List".
2. At the bottom-right of your contact list, click the blue-gear icon then select "Manage Categories", from here you can add a new category.

3. From the "Advanced Filters" on the left-hand side of your contact list, select "Category", then choose the categories you wish to merge. Once completed, hit "Search" below the advanced filters.
4. Once you have all your contacts pulled up from the specific categories you chose, you can select all by clicking on the "box" above your contact names.

5. Under the "Actions" drop-down menu at the top of your contact list, select "Add Contacts to Category".
6. From here, you can select the category you wish to add your contacts to.

Now that you have all of the contacts saved under the appropriate category, you can delete the old category by following these steps below:

1. From your Contact List, select the blue gear icon and then "Manage Categories" button at the bottom-right corner of your page.
2. Click on the red trash can icon to the right of the category you wish to delete.