You can access your Goal Tracker by navigating to the Dashboard and then selecting Goal Tracker.

The Goal Tracker allows you to track your Annual Goals and Short-Term Goals, and each inside team member can add both their annual and short-term goals.

Annual Goals - The default view shows the current year's goal, but if you want to view the previous years' goals, click on the dropdown next to the Edit Goal button and select the year you want to view.

How to add my Annual Goal:

  1. In the Annual Goals section, click on the Add Goal button.
  2. Enter the Average Sales Price, Gross Annual Sales, and select your name or the Inside Team member's name to whom you are assigning the goal (if you are a team).
  3. Click the Save button once done.


Your annual goal tells you how many sales you need to make in order to reach your gross annual sales at an average sale price you set. The progress of your annual goals automatically updates as you complete a sale on your Commission Report, which means it only counts and reflects the sales with Sold/Leased status.

Note: Once you set your annual goal for a specific year, you can no longer add another annual goal. You will see that the Add Goal button will change into the Edit Goal button if you already have one. However, if you wish to edit the current year's or the past years' goals, you can do it by selecting the year from the dropdown and clicking on the Edit Goal button. You can also set your next year's goal in advance.

How to add a different annual goal for another team member:
If you have just added an annual goal for yourself and now want to add a different annual goal for your agent or an inside team member, follow the steps below:

  1. Make sure to select the inside team member's name from the Profile dropdown, the one that shows your photo at the top-right corner of your CRM.
  2. Once you select the right profile, the page will refresh and gives you a blank goal tracker.
  3. Click on the Add Goal button, enter the required information, and click Save.

Note: Avoid reassigning the annual goal from one inside team member to another, especially when the team member you are reassigning the goal to already has one.

Short-Term Goals

Your Short-Term Goals are categorized into two kinds: Weekly Goals and Monthly Goals.


How to add Short-Term Goals

1. Click on the Add Goal button in the Short-Term Goals section.
2. On the window popup, fill out the required information:

  • Select whether it is a weekly or monthly goal you are adding
  • Give your goal a name
  • Enter the goal amount or how many times you need to repeat it to complete the goal
  • Select your goal type if it is a task list, call list, or planner type
  • Assign the goal to a team member. You can also assign it to yourself or just leave it as All.

3. Click on the Save button.


Short-Term Goal Progress Controls

Just click on the (-) and (+) icons to add or control your progress.

The icons to the right let you edit your goal, stop tracking the goal, see the graphical presentation of your progress, and delete the goal from your tracker.

(Goal progress in a graph)

How to view the goals I stopped tracking and how to resume:

  1. From your Goal tracker, select the tab from which you want to show the stopped goals.
  2. Click on the red "View Stopped Goals" button.

3. If you want to continue tracking the stopped goals, click on the green play button to the right of the goal.


Learn more about our Goal Tracker here.

You may also watch our video tutorial here and starts at 0:25.