Exporting your contacts from Outlook:

1. Open Outlook and select the People tab. Select Manage Contacts and then Export Contacts.
2. Select which contacts you would like to export and select Export
3. The corresponding CSV file will be discoverable in your computer's downloads tab.
4. Before importing your contacts, rename the columns to match our list of acceptable column headers.

Acceptable column headers

Importing your contacts into Wise Agent:

  1. From the sidebar, select Contacts ➜ Import/ Export.
  2. Under Import Contacts, select Wise Agent.
  3. Once selected, click on the blue Upload button & select your CSV file.
  4. Next, select your Method:

▸Only Insert New
This method adds only new contacts to the database. If a contact already exists in your Wise Agent contact list, it will not be updated or duplicated.

▸Insert New/ Update Existing
This method adds new contacts and updates information for existing ones in your Wise Agent contact list. If a contact already exists, its details will be updated rather than creating a duplicate.

▸Allow Duplicates
This method adds all contacts from the import, even if they already exist in your Wise Agent contact list, which may result in duplicate entries.

5. Next, choose an inside team member to assign the contacts. If you prefer to leave the contacts unassigned, keep the selection set to All.

6. Select a Category to add to all the contacts.
This step is optional; however, adding a category will help you segment your audience for future marketing efforts!

7. Choose a Source to be added to all the contacts.

💡 Pro Tip: Label your contacts with a source name that aligns with where they originated (e.g., Zillow, an open house you hosted, etc.). This helps you easily identify the origin of your contacts, keeping your database clean and organized!

8. If you'd like to format your names and addresses added during the import process, check the Format Names and Addresses box. This option ensures consistency by correcting capitalization, punctuation, and common errors, making your contact information look uniform throughout your database.

9. Next, the system will read the column headers in your file, and those accepted will show a green checkmark under Status. If you have a red X under Status for any of your columns, make sure to select an accepted field to import into using the dropdown menu beneath Accepted Columns.

10. After completing all sections, click Import. Your contacts will soon be added to your Wise Agent contact list. That's it!