How does it work:
As soon as your leads automatically drop into Wise Agent from any source, our lead system immediately scours the internet in search of any social media linked to the lead's primary email address. Many times, the search will return full names, company info, job title, photos, social profile links, and more.

How to get started:
  1. From your side navigation bar click on the Integrations and then on Settings.
  2. On the Integrations page, scroll to and click on the Lead Enhancement header 
  3. Under the header click on the green "Add to billing" button. You will then be prompted to confirm your selection; click on "yes"
  4. Once you confirm your selection you will then be redirected to your billing page within Wise Agent to update your subscription to include the lead enhancement feature.


Wise Agent gives you the first 100 enhancements for free. Members can purchase unlimited enhancements at the low cost of $5/month.

Click the video below to watch this feature in action: