Customize Your Currency

  1. In the upper right-hand corner, click on the gear icon and select Settings.
  2. Navigate to the Commission Settings section.
  3. Choose your preferred currency type from the drop-down menu. (💡 Important To Note: Updating the currency here will also apply to your existing commission sales)
  4. Additionally, you can establish a default Team Filter for your Commission Report, selecting from options such as Inside Team, Outside Team, or All Commissions.
  5. Once done, scroll to the top and click on Save to apply the changes.


Customized Fees

  1. From the sidebar, select Dashboard then Commission Report.
  2. Click on Manage Custom Fee Names.
  3. Input a title for your fee in the text box, then click the green + button. (💡 Example Fee Titles: Administrative Fee, Performance Bonus, Leasing Commission and Transaction Coordination Fee)


Inputting Your Data To Track Sales Performance

  1. From the sidebar, select Dashboard then Commission Report.
  2. Click on + New Sale to open the Create a New Sale modal.
  3. Enter the sale name and pertinent information. You have the option to associate the sale with a checklist, property, or contact in your Wise Agent CRM. Additionally, you can assign the sale to yourself or any member of your team.
  4. In the Commission Tab, input your commission details, including sale price, commission amount, and referral fee amount. The calculations will be displayed on the right-hand side.
  5. Click on Save in the bottom right-hand corner to finalize the entry.


Enhanced Collaboration Across Teams

  1. From the sidebar, select Dashboard then Commission Report.
  2. Click on + New Sale to open the Create a New Sale modal.
  3. Enter the sale name and pertinent information. You have the option to associate the sale with a checklist, property, or contact in your Wise Agent CRM. Additionally, you can assign the sale to yourself or any member of your team.
  4. In the Commission Tab, input your commission details, including sale price, commission amount, and referral fee amount. The calculations will be displayed on the right-hand side.
  5. Next, in the Invite Tab, click on the Invite Outside Team drop-down menu and select the team member(s) you wish to share your commission with. 
  6. By clicking on the Blue Gear Icon to the right of the Invite Outside Team menu, you can choose if you wish for the selected team members to have Viewer or Editor access to the commission entry.
  7. Once your selections have been made, click on the blue Invite button, then click Save in the bottom right-hand corner to finalize the entry.